How to check which country your iPhone is made for?
Although the iPhone was manufactured and assembled at the same Foxconn factory in China, Apple distributed it in different countries and identified it using a different model code to mark each country. It is believed that Apple may upgrade some 3G / 4G chips so that it can handle the network in each country well. To view the iPhone Model Code, go to Settings-> About and look for the word Model. It is about 7 to 8 characters long but look for the last two characters (excluding the letters marked with / before them) and check the table below to find their source.
E.g. MC604MY / A without counting the letters after / A, so the last character is MY, referring to Malaysia.
AB: Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
B: Ireland, UK, also used for some replacement phones
BR: Brazil (Assembled in Brazil)
BZ: Brazil (Assembled in China)
C: Canada
CH: China
CZ: Czech Republic
D: Germany
DN: Austria, Germany, Netherlands
E: Mexico
EE: Estonia
FB: France, Luxembourg
FD: Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland
GR: Greece
HN: India
IP: Italy
HB: Israel
J: Japan
KH: Korea
KN: Norway
KS: Finland, Sweden
LA: Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru
LE: Argentina
LZ: Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay
MG: Hungary
MY: Malaysia
NF: Belgium, France, Luxembourg
PL: Poland
PO: Portugal
PP: Philippines
RO: Romania
RS: Russia
SL: Slovakia
SO: South Africa
T: Italy
TH: Thailand
TA: Taiwan
TU: Turkey
X: Australia, New Zealand
VN: Vietnam ,also use for some replacement
Y: Spain
ZA: Singapore
ZP: Hong Kong, Macau